Happy Birthday Handsome.
Huzzah for 'tis my birthday. well really tomorrow but i really don't feel like celebrating. I used to enjoy Birthdays but now i just don't care either way. Fuck, is this what becoming older feels like? Then i will have to take a pass coz Garcon, this just ain't what i ordered. Where is the fun and excitement and anticipation that used to accompany these days? huh? Sitting here typing this at 9 pm listening to the "Chumscrubber" soundtrack it has become blindingly obvious what i should buy myself on this "happy" occasion. A $75 baggie.
So what if isn't good? neither is KFC but hell they still manage to make a profit you know. And yes it can't really be compared but whatever. This is my blog so suck on that sucka. yeah i know, real clever. Anyway thats enough depression spewed out for one night. I have to start listening to some happy music.....i wonder if the new Young Divas Cd is on sale?