Eyes are the window to the soul
Ok so i went to an optometrist in wellington. he was fiji indian and seemed gay. i knew i was in trouble from the word go. i tried to explain i had a pain in my eye from getting smacked about a month ago. he basically prescribed glasses for me. I tried to explain that the pain was completely unconnected to any activity involving SEEING. so i only get it in the middle of the night or early in the morning. But he shook his head. "I don't know exactly what it's cause is... but wear your glasses for two months and then we'll see".
you gotta HATE the Indians. They never admit when they just don't know.
Then the little miss tried to get me to choose frames and buy the glasses... so I basically said i didn't have time but i'd come back. She continued to explain how metal frames are in vogue now... "Do i look like i need fashion advice from you, Ms Navy Blue Uniform???". Whatever trevor. So I paid my sixty bucks, promised to return and fled. They'll never see me again. Hahah punnage.