Damn Stupid People...
But just to add to my last post... I also hate stupid people! Actually I hate them more than big companies that do stupid stuff, because usually I have to interact with the stupid people more. I'm mainly thinking about stupid people who say things like this guy did: "You hit the nail on the head with vodafone being an offshore company. If you pay vodafone, most of your money you pay goes offshore. However if you pay telecom, a lot of it stays in NZ, as Telecom is now largely owned by NZ mum and dad shareholders. I am surprised that telecom don't do more marketing to emphasize this point." (yeah because little_wanky_whinger_11 has a degree in economics and international finance and understands the intricacies of offshore companies, dividend distribution and national wealth) or people who say stuff like this: "You maybe correct that a typical user would not be concerned by this restriction [GS - i.e. to have to top up min $20 on prepay every 3 months] but it would suck if it was you who lost $100 because you didnt put $20 in every 3 months. You might have gone overseas. Could be hospitalised. You could be extremely busy and simply forgot." (yeah, because Uncle Vodamoan should really be looking out for stupid_ass_999's best interests instead of making money like any other normal profit making company does) Yeah, so I SEW hate stupid people. But I also love them. Because it gives me something to bitch and moan about, and also to make lots of very very funny sarcastic comments. Which makes my friends, who are equally sad and twisted, laugh and like me more. I don't have a lot of friends though. Probably because I don't like stupid people. Word.
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