False idols
how much do i hate Australian idol?? all these 13 year old girls driving the show to prime ratings annoys me to no end. the final 2 singers both have no personality, the boy sings like a girl and the girl is a skank. and don't even get me started on the hosts. as my dad would say, " they look like paffy boys". and what is a paffy boy i hear you ask. its someone whose hair is bigger than their face...Andrew G i am talking to you. the other guy looks like he would rather be off somewhere stalking someone on a cold dark night. and seriously who abbreviates their surname???? most people abbreviate their first name.....another tragic bites the dust.
on a brighter note, "so you think you can dance" is the funniest show ever. basically its like Australian idol except people dance instead of sing. last night this skinny UGLY chick started dancing and then she did this back flip and her wig and fake breasts fell out and it was revealed that she was in fact a he. mwahahahaha. the judges faces were priceless. sadly everything is only going to go downhill from there.
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