Baby Frankenstein
New Year resolutions - seriously, who needs them? All it provides people is a chance to make trite statements on things they're never really gonna live out anyway.
I mean, let's face it - if you were gonna lose those 20 spare kilos, quit smoking and give up tequila, what makes you think you couldn't have done it in December? And given that you haven't... let's also face the fact that chances are next January's resolution will be to save up for gastric bypass, lung transplant and liver replacement surgery. Oh the dreams just get bigger.
Ohhh and in other but related news... celebs have been asked for their new year resolutions, and this piece of horror has emerged from the lips of the esteemed Paris Hilton...
I'd love to find the right guy and get married. I want to have kids in the next two or three years. I can't wait to have a little daughter and dress her up just like me!
read it and SHUDDER people.
the end times are nigh.
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