Killing (my feet) softly
Okay why is it that new shoes always hurt? Like I buy a pair of nice new trainers - try them on in the store, they're the right size, feel comfy enough when i walk around in them, and the price is right.... so I think yay! Then I take them for their first long walk around the block and OUCH. So... my question is, how come I can buy a new tshirt or new pair of pants and they don't need breaking in, but shoes always do? Or is this a girl thing? Like does this happen to boys as well? Do they go through a week of 'breaking in' their trainers and work shoes before they get comfortable? Because it strikes me that this is a grand conspiracy and I want to see the shoe industry TAKEN DOWN for it. Yeah.
I'm so relieved to see this post, because I do this all the damn time. I wish it were the norm to wear thongs to work, dinner, weddings, because that's pretty much the only comfortable thing I can put on my feet.
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