Happy Birthday Handsome.

Huzzah for 'tis my birthday. well really tomorrow but i really don't feel like celebrating. I used to enjoy Birthdays but now i just don't care either way. Fuck, is this what becoming older feels like? Then i will have to take a pass coz Garcon, this just ain't what i ordered. Where is the fun and excitement and anticipation that used to accompany these days? huh? Sitting here typing this at 9 pm listening to the "Chumscrubber" soundtrack it has become blindingly obvious what i should buy myself on this "happy" occasion. A $75 baggie.

So what if isn't good? neither is KFC but hell they still manage to make a profit you know. And yes it can't really be compared but whatever. This is my blog so suck on that sucka. yeah i know, real clever. Anyway thats enough depression spewed out for one night. I have to start listening to some happy music.....i wonder if the new Young Divas Cd is on sale?


i know i shouldn't be making fun of kiwis but this was bloody funny.

State of Fear

In the U.K. a Muslim Doctor gave his second cousin his mobile phone's SIM card as he was leaving the country and still had unused credit on it. He had a new job in the Gold Coast Hospital and was leaving for there in 3 days. 2 years later the Australian Police arrest him and treat him like Osama Bin Laden's chief henchman. Why???? because that same SIM card was used by the dumb ass bombers in Scotland recently. The Police ransack his house and leak information to the media and then pretend to have no idea where the media are getting this information. AND after holding him without charge for 12 days they charge him with , wait for it, "Reckless use of a SIM card". The judge allows the doctor on bail cause she doesn't believe he is a threat to the public. 3 hours later the Immigration minister revokes his Work visa because according to him the Muslim doctor fails the necessary character test. This comes after the judge himself says that according to the character tests even he would fail the test. So in the meantime the "terror suspect" is kept in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day until his trial starts for the "reckless use of a SIM card". http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/news/national/i-would-fail-character-test-judge/2007/07/18/1184559862270.html This rubbish is really pissing me off big time. The fucking police and the dickwit Prime minister are trying to create public panic and are trying to get the public to endorse new laws which enable the government to spy on the citizens without their knowledge and without getting a warrant. This article in The Register sort of explains it in detail. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/06/29/more_fear_biscuits_please/

Help mommy, my claws hurt!

OMG this is so funny I can't stop laughing.... it's seriously insane. I have no words. None that can make it funnier. Just read it and weep people.
Crustacean case first for SPCA
A joint prosecution by Auckland SPCA and the Environmental Health Department of Auckland City Council has sent a clear anti cruelty message to restaurant owners Auckland-wide.

On 12th June 2007 at the Auckland District Court, David Li, formerly the manager of the Imperial Sichuan Restaurant in Parnell, Auckland pleaded guilty to two charges under the Animal Welfare Act 1999 and three charges laid by Auckland City Council.

Mr Li was found to have thirty-nine crayfish in a tank that was approximately twenty times more toxic than normal and was subsequently causing the death of these crustaceans that were being sold to the patrons of the restaurant.

SPCA Inspectors instructed Mr Li to rectify the situation but he failed to do so and charges were brought against him. Mr Li was fined a total of $5,230 in relation to all the charges with $2,090 to be paid to Auckland SPCA in fines and reparations.

Inspector Victoria Border who led the investigation said, "This is a test case for the SPCA and has sent a clear message that the Auckland SPCA will not tolerate cruelty to animals in any form".