Happy Birthday To Us

Another year another birthday for greenstamps & tequila. Have we gotten wiser? Hell no. But possibly better looking and funnier. Well, maybe not that either. What I definitely don't want to do is reflect on the year that's been and come up with some pansy statements about what I've learned. Seriously, what losers do that. I nearly gag when people tell me stuff like that... I mean yawnorama. If you learnt so much why do you have to reflect at the end of the year to figure it out. Pah. It's called awareness people.

Aaj mera Janam din hai.

Happy Birthday to me! Supposedly today I should feel special and be thankful for the 28 years that I have been alive and healthy. But it feels like any other goddamn day. I woke up, brushed my teeth, went to work. Worked, drove home and had dinner. Oh just to make it special I bought a slice of cheesecake from the Cheesecake Shop. Whoop-dee-fucking--doo.

I used to love birthdays when I was younger. But as I get older, I find that it really just is another day. I always wondered my aunts and parents never made a big fuss on their birthday but now I can sort of understand. You have other things to think about like the frigging mortgage and bills. Sigh. and so I end this day sitting on the computer after treating myself to a slice of cheesecake, knowing that i have to work tomorrow and as well as Saturday. Many Happy returns of the day!!