Saccharine Pukeworthy

Ahhh... sweet stories, touching stories, stories with morals of kindness and love, tales of poor boys who've turned into doctors, of young love parted but never lost, of little girls warning against drunk drivers, of hard work overcoming all the odds.


Does anyone feel the aversion that I do to stories such as these? What is it in my nature that makes me so hard hearted? But there is something in stories that have been written to tug so deliberately at heart strings, embellished with details of extraordinary hardship, blossom like beauty and noble courage, to ensure that you don't just see the deeper meaning... but that it is bludgeoned into your poor eyeballs as they cringe towards the back of your head.

The real Fight Club

This is the either the funniest or scariest thing i have read in the past few days. These guys really need to get a clue..maybe spending a couple of days in prison with the biggest meanest MOFO in the block would sort them out.

I hate..

...people who can't pronounce words properly, and who can't spell good.
I mean hello... the word is LIBRARY, and you cannot pronounce it "lib-a-ry" and expect to be taken seriously as a human being. There are two 'r's not one. Deal with it.
And as for words like "thought" and "what" - there is no reason to spell it "thot", "wot" or worst of all - "thort". What the hell is "thort"?? There isn't even an 'r' in the original word.
Oh and final pet peeve... people who don't realise that the word in the phrase "I would have..." is 'have' not 'of'. Who wud of thort idiots lik tat r aloud 2 livz???

Say my name ..say my name

Who is this ghetto thug i hear you ask. Wonder no more people...Imagine my shock when i find out this is the legendary Darkchild of "darkchild na na" fame. What happened to the obese gangsta is that he apparently has had his stomach stapled and now looks like this. Boo Hiss.....As of right now i am boycotting this loser.


oh my gosh... okay i want, i want i WANT! i have just been looking at the new ipods and people, they are cool looking.
i know they are exactly like the iphone, without the phone functionality - but the thing is, i never wanted the phone functionality. by all accounts it was expensive and let's face it, i'm cheap! but the ipod.... mmmmmm YUM!
oh and the other gadget that i am slightly lusting after is the LG Shine cellphone... it's got this mirrored finish which is actually its screen and and and... okay it just looks sexy too!
sadly it has not got brilliant reviews from cnet. But since i am basically about form not function, who cares???

The end is nigh......

Emos have discovered spray paint.

Mean Kitty

Kill pussycat kill kill! Ohhh i found this kitty video on youtube and seriously it is SO FLIPPIN cute. thought i'd share. hope this doesn't ruin my goth-credibiltayy!

Blast from the Past

okay it is tragic but i have become a stalker....on Facebook. I decided to check to see if any of my friends from my childhood were on Facebook and so changed networks and followed links to track them down and see whats the dealio with them. And i am shocked/amazed/nauseous with the results. I realize that i have changed a lot(bieger arse getting bieger) since then but i assumed that no one else would. Looking at the pictures i was disgusted at how age ruins everything. I think i am glad that even though i got bigger i haven't turned into a gangsta looking thug with ugly facial hair..(not pointing fingers or anything). shit.

So yeah i have been tracking down kids who went to school with me and there are heaps of them on Facebook. The question now is do i contact them and add them to friends or be a shy bitch and do nothing. Decisions Decisions. As Capt.Haddock so memorably said "Billions of bilious blue blistering barnacles!"

Death becomes Her

So i was on a weekend away this past weekend and was chatting to some buddies from my University days when we got to talking about people we knew in university. I was talking about this girl i knew and then the conversation took a turn for the worse.
Me: so....i wonder what happened to *****..?
Friend: ..yeah you know she died in a car accident in Auckland last year right?...

Now i am not usually the emotional type but that just came out of left field. Since then i have just been feeling so ...helpless(?). I want to do something but i don't know what. I hate this feeling. Obviously i can't do anything but i don't know how to deal with this news. And i don't really want to talk about it with anyone but at the same time i don't want to hold it in. AARGGH. I wish i had that "mind eraser" thingeewatsit from the "Men in Black" movies so i could wipe out unwanted memories.

I thought I'd be intellectual and post this...

George Gray


I have studied many times

The marble which was chiseled for me—

A boat with a furled sail at rest in a harbor.

In truth it pictures not my destination

But my life.

For love was offered me and I shrank from its disillusionment;

Sorrow knocked at my door, but I was afraid;

Ambition called to me, but I dreaded the chances.

Yet all the while I hungered for meaning in my life.

And now I know that we must lift the sail

And catch the winds of destiny

Wherever they drive the boat.

To put meaning in one’s life may end in madness,

But life without meaning is the torture

Of restlessness and vague desire—

It is a boat longing for the sea and yet afraid.


Edgar Lee Masters