Oh this is priceless, people...

I had to check out MADD's website, because I got into a big debate on whether the crap email was for real or not... I'm a firm believer that no legitimate organisation EVER uses stupid email petitions, because they are so BOGUS. i mean, none of the names is verified, none of the addresses are included, etc etc.
So I checked out the MADD website when I should have been doing countless productive things like working, exercising, shopping or sleeping. Full text below... slightly edited to remove the 'plugs' for MADD and the links, because i can't be bothered promoting their cause, beyond saying... good on them for not being part of a stupid spamail campaign :)

I received an email petition accompanied by a poem about a young girl killed by a drunk driver. Is this petition sponsored by MADD? What happens to the signatures? 

The petition circulating via e-mail accompanied with the poem titled "I Went to a Party Mom" did not originate with nor is it endorsed by MADD.

While the petition you received probably began with good intentions, MADD did not initiate the campaign. Some variations of the e-mail use language that we feel to be inappropriate. Moreover, the e-mail asked you to act in a manner that does little to advance the fight against drunk driving.

The mission of Mothers Against Drunk Driving is to stop drunk driving, support the victims of this violent crime, and prevent underage drinking. Thank you again for your support.

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